HIST 697: Fellow Student Critique
In addition to my own blog post, I am going to provide some brief comments on one of my classmate‘s final projects:
Great job on this draft of your final project. I love the idea behind the project itself, and I’ll throw out some comments on the design that hopefully will be helpful.
First of all, your site is extremely image heavy, and for someone with a slow internet connection, like me, this means it is taking forever to load. Can you try reducing the file size of all your background images using Photoshop so it’s a slower load time? Or perhaps simply removing one and using a color code instead? Also, you may want to look at your site in Google Chrome. In that browser the alignment of all the elements is way off, weighted toward the left side of the browser. It also appears to be off in Firefox, so now I’m curious if this skewed alignment was your intention? Either way, check your alignment.
Also, you mentioned font choices in your blog. I’m not sure what specific comments Geoff made to you, but I would remove the use of Papyrus in your header image. That font is just about as ridiculed as Comic Sans. I actually follow a blog dedicated to pointing out and disapproving of, if not downright mocking, every use of Papyrus that people come across in design. Perhaps try pulling out one of the historic serifs from your newspaper to use instead. I think this will also help give a more historic feel to the page. Either way, definitely get rid of the Papyrus. Also, the blue in your footer will probably garner you accusations of oversaturation. It is also quite jarring when compared with the rest of your color scheme.
Other than those critiques, I think you’ve got quite a good start. I look forward to seeing the completed project.